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+92 51 449 302

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Quality Assurance

event 2We have a strong set up of Quality Assurance to ensure the in built quality of the products. Highly skilled, experienced and professional staff, not only ensures the strict compliance of Local drug rules but also the international standards like guide lines of ICH, FDA & WHO. Quality Assurance is a fully independent department directly reportable to the chief executive and it comprises Director QA, Deputy QA Manager, Asst. QA Manager. and QA Officers . It has professionally competent and experienced officers specifically having their duties for various sections like separate staff for oral products and separate staff for sterile production for monitoring and inspection of processes. Quality Assurance has the following objectives:

  1. To assure high quality production by in process sampling, inspection and testing throughout the process.
  2. To assure and maintain consistent quality production by in process sampling, inspection and testing throughout the process.
  3. To ensure that SOPs are properly followed.
  4. To ensure that the products are meeting all the required standards /specifications during all the manufacturing and packing processes.
  5. To monitor and provide guidance to the stakeholder regarding storage of products so that the product may not loose its efficacy and potency due to environmental factors i.e. temperature, humidity.
  6. To conduct training of all quality assurance staff to achieve quality objectives.
  7. To conduct a post marketing surveillance by assigning duties to medical representatives to send samples of their respective areas.

Our Exports

Afghanistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka and Vietnam

Global Pharmaceutical Company has made phenomenal progress over the years and made its impact in the global market. It has been recognized as reliable source for drugs and drug intermediates, pharmaceutical formulations. Tremendous opportunities are available for the company to manufacture and export many products. Its immense strength in manufacturing quality medicines at affordable prices made the Global Pharma to compete both in regulated and non-regulated markets.

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School Learning

  • Nalbin


    An opioid analgesic containing nalbuphine. It is indicated for the relief of moderate and severe pain. Available in 10 mg and 20 mg injectable.
  • Pelton-C


    A unique combination of domperidon and cinnarazine. Indicated for GERD, dyspepsia, motion sickness and nausea and vomiting.
  • Piractim


    A quality nootropic agent that enhance cognitive function. Available in the both tablets and syrup formulations.


    Two drugs combination having rifampicin and isoniazid formulation is as per WHO approved recomendation and anti infective to treat TB.


    A WHO approved fixed dose combination of three anti infective drugs of TB.


    Selective antagonist of alpha 1A/1B adrenoreceptor sub-type contains Tamsulosin, available in capsule.


    Each Capsule contain tamsulosin/dutasteride. The first generic brand for BPH and AUR. High quality and affordable treatment.


    A broad spectrum IV vial containing 50mg tigecycline. First generic in Pakistan ensuring quality and economy.

Take a tour

Lets have a look in Global Pharmaceuticals corporate video. Our corporate video gives you a complete overview of our premises and our working. 

We created a universal tool for our clients who are abroad to virtually tell the story showing how we are performing tasks at our factory and to carry out in strict conformance of ISO 9001:2008 Standards.

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Our school goals

Jamila Sultana Foundation

Ever since the establishment of Jamila Sultana Foundation in 2004.

The aim was to provide quality services to maximum thalassemics under much conducive environment, both for children and their families. We have accepted an upheaval task to provide best complementary services to all dependent patients, irrespective of their social status...

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We trust that our most valuable resources are our employees. Our workforce...
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+92 51 449 302